
The Select Special Ethics Commissioner and Chief Electoral Officer Search Committee has been appointed for the purpose of inviting applications for the positions of Ethics Commissioner and Chief Electoral Officer, and to recommend to the Assembly the applicants it considers most suitable to each position.

On May 8, 2024, the Committee recommended to the Assembly that Shawn McLeod be appointed to the position of Ethics Commissioner.

The application period for the Chief Electoral Officer position closed on July 2, 2024.

Recruiting for Chief Electoral Officer

The Chief Electoral Officer provides leadership and direction to Elections Alberta and oversees electoral events to ensure they are conducted fairly, and that political party and stakeholder activities abide by the rules set out in legislation.

View Chief Electoral Officer Job Profile

 Please email application to by July 2, 2024.

*Please note candidates may be asked to complete psychometric testing as part of the recruitment process.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Date/Time Location/Meeting Details
September 2024
Sep 25, 2024
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location TBD
9/21/2024 7:29 AM

Select Special Committees

The Assembly strikes select special committees for specific purposes. A government motion is moved outlining the membership of the special committee, its terms of reference and other details. When a select special committee releases its report, its work is complete and the committee is disbanded unless otherwise directed by the Assembly. 

Committee Clerk
3rd Floor, 9820 – 107 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 1E7
Call: 780.644.8621 Fax: 780.427.5688

Chief Electoral Officer Search
Committee Clerk
3rd Floor, 9820 – 107 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 1E7
Call: 780.644.8621 Fax: 780.427.5688

Meeting Minutes

Copies of approved meeting minutes can be accessed through the Legislature Library at

Legislature Library

Call: 780.427.2473

Committee Members (10)

Shane Getson

Mr. Shane Getson (Chair)

Glenn van Dijken

Mr. Glenn van Dijken (Deputy Chair)

Lorne Dach

Mr. Lorne Dach

Grant Hunter

Honourable Grant Hunter

Janis Irwin

Member Janis Irwin

Chelsae Petrovic

Mrs. Chelsae Petrovic

Garth Rowswell

Mr. Garth Rowswell

Irfan Sabir

Honourable Irfan Sabir

Ron Wiebe

Mr. Ron Wiebe

Peggy Wright

Ms Peggy Wright

Committees of the Assembly

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