View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 6, Session 3 (1929)
Legislature 6, Session 3 (1929)
An Act to amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to incorporate Beaverlodge Narawa River Railway Company
An Act to amend the Knights of Columbus Club Act (1913)
An Act to amend Chapter 57 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1918, being An Act to Incorporate the Calgary and Southwestern Railway Company
An Act respecting the Alberta Wheat Pool
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting The Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to Incorporate Alberta Trackways
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting the Charter of the City of Medicine Hat
An Act to amend the Acts Constituting The Edmonton Charter and Validate certain By-laws Authorizing the Borrowing of Money
An Act to amend the Ordinances and Acts relating to the City of Red Deer
An Act to amend The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act, 1924
An Act respecting Women's Institutes
An Act to amend The Agricultural Societies Act
An Act to amend The Wild Lands Tax Act
An Act to amend an Act to authorize the Guarantee of Certain Securities of the Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway Company
An Act respecting Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting Assignments of Book Debts
An Act to amend The Threshers' Lien Act
An Act to provide for a System of Highways in the Province
An Act to amend The Superannuation Act
An Act to amend The Woodmen's Lien Act
An Act to amend An Act respecting the Tilley East Area
An Act for the Prevention of Fraud in connection with the Sale of Securities
An Act to amend The Ultimate Heir Act
An Act respecting Noxious Weeds
An Act to amend The Game Act
An Act to amend The Co-operative Marketing Associations Act
An Act to amend The Co-operative Associations Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act, 1926
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgages
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act Respecting Companies
An Act to amend The Public Vehicles Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Public Works Department Act
An Act to amend The University Act
An Act to amend The Telephone and Telegraph Act
An Act to amend The Maintenance Order Act
An Act to consolidate and amend the Statutes relating to Town Planning and the Preservation of Natural Beauty
An Act to provide for the Recovery of Taxes
An Act respecting Information Concerning Companies
An Act respecting the Sale of the Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway Company, the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway Company, the Central Canada Railway Company, the Central Canada Express Company and the Pembina Valley Railway
An Act to amend The Optometry Act
An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Municipal Hospitals
An Act to amend The Religious Societies' Lands Act
An Act to amend The Drainage Districts Act, 1921
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend The Amusements Tax Act
An Act to amend The Savings Certificates Act
An Act to amend The Provincial Loans Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act
An Act to amend The Mental Diseases Act
An Act respecting the University of Alberta Hospital
An Act to provide for Imposing a Tax on the Purchasers of Gasoline
An Act to amend The Lethbridge Northern Colonization Act
An Act to amend The Industries Assessment Act
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirdy-first day of March, 1929, and the Thirty-first day of March 1930
An Act to amend The Improvement Districts Act, 1927
An Act to Provide for the Protection of Sheep and the Licensing of Dogs
An Act to Consolidate and amend The School Act
An Act to amend The Public Health Act
An Act to amend The Live Stock Encouragement Act
An Act respecting Old Age Pensions
An Act respecting Municipal Assessments
An Act to amend The Village Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Town Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Small Debts Act
An Act for the Enforcement of Alimony and Maintenance Orders
An Act to Provide for the Licensing of Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Salesmen
An Act respecting the Collection of Taxes and Rates
An Act Authorizing Provincial Guarantees to Co-operative Marketing Associations for Capital Expenditures
An Act to amend and consolidate The Supplementary Revenue Act
An Act respecting the Union of Municipalities for Certain Purposes
An Act to Amend The Mental Defectives Act
An Act respecting the Sale of Gasoline
An Act respecting the Taxation of Electric Power
An Act to amend The Dental Association Act
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Act, 1923
An Act to amend The Extra-Judicial Seizures Act
An Act to amend "The Pure-Bred Sires Area Act"
An Act to amend The Electrical Protection Act
An Act respecting Water Powers
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act (Accident Fund)
9/8/2024 3:21 AM

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