Legislative Assembly Security Program

Providing a safe and secure environment for the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, the staff who support the work of the Assembly and the thousands of people who visit the Legislature each year has always been of critical importance to the Legislative Assembly Office (LAO).

Amendments to the Legislative Assembly Act provide the Speaker of the Assembly the authority to appoint Legislative Security Officers for the purpose of providing security services within the legislative precinct.

In support of the implementation of a regulatory and administrative framework, the Speaker has issued the following directives to ensure the integrity and the accountability of the program and its Legislative Security Officers.

Filing a Complaint

To file a complaint against a Legislative Security Officer in relation to the Code of Conduct (Appendix B of Legislative Security Officer Directive), please complete the Public Complaint Form. All complaints must be made in writing and submitted electronically or by post as described within the form.

The Legislative Assembly of Alberta takes allegations of Legislative Security Officer Code of Conduct breaches very seriously. Its Legislative Security Officers are committed to serving in a safe and respectful manner.


Ceremonial and Security Services
Call: 780.422.9259