Expense Disclosure Guidelines

Certain expenses for Members of the Legislative Assembly are required to be publicly disclosed on a quarterly basis.

Reports for individual Members are available with each MLA’s information under the profile tab.

Documents are available in a PDF format and can be searched using Adobe Acrobat.

Refer to the following frequently asked questions or contact your Member of the Legislative Assembly for more information about expense disclosure reporting.

Frequently Asked Questions

MLA Expense Disclosure Report

The Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services, which approves measures governing financial and personnel administration, determined that the information should be disclosed publicly.

Authorized expenses* for Members of the Legislative Assembly for accommodation, meals, hosting, and travel that are processed by the Legislative Assembly Office and exclude any transaction processed by the Government of Alberta.

Accommodation includes expenses or allowances for lodgings within Alberta where a Member of the Legislative Assembly is required to stay overnight in the course of his/her official duties. Temporary residence allowances are included in this category of expense.

Hosting means any expenses for hospitality provided to constituents or stakeholders by the Member in the course of their duties. It includes food, nonalcoholic beverages, or hosting supplies for the public or official business of the Member. It also includes event tickets with a purchase price of $100.00 each or more.

Travel expenses include:
  • allowances for use of a personal vehicle (per km and per round trip);
  • fuel, fluids, and vehicle washes, including labour, for leased or rented vehicles;
  • air travel;
  • long-distance bus or train travel;
  • vehicle lease or rental;
  • taxi fares; and
  • parking charges.

*As authorized under the Members’ Allowances Order, the Constituency Services Order, and the Transportation Order of the Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services.

View Orders

  • name and position of the individual who incurred the expense;
  • date of the transaction;
  • transaction amount;
  • expense category;
  • description and rationale for meals and hosting; and
  • supporting documentation, including receipts when applicable.

Reports will be posted 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter.

No. The disclosure of expenses made by Members of the Legislative Assembly when conducting business on behalf of the Government of Alberta is found at Alberta.ca .

Individual reports are available under the profile tab on each MLA’s page.

Members of the Assembly

The information is released publicly and without restriction.

Allowances and expenses that are capped or counted by a nonfinancial unit (for example, kilometres, days, trips) are reported without receipts.

Please contact the MLA directly with any questions about his or her expense disclosure report. Member contact information is found at the top of each expense disclosure reports page.

The Legislative Assembly Office is required to prepare and post the reports.

No expenses were incurred or processed for that individual during that reporting period.

An individual may incur an expense on a specific date, but the expense might not be submitted or approved until a later date. Expenses are reported after they are approved and processed in the financial system.

As the Legislative Assembly Office is a GST/HST-exempt entity, GST is not disclosed as part of the expense amount.

The Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services specifically directs that consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act certain information must be redacted from the disclosure reports. This includes information where disclosure would be an unreasonable invasion of privacy, might harm the business interests of a third party, might endanger an individual’s safety, or might cause harm to the economic interests of the Legislative Assembly Office.

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