February 16, 2022

Legislative Committee Seeks Input Into Safe Supply Review

Category: News

The Select Special Committee to Examine Safe Supply is accepting written submissions related to its mandate until March 4.

The committee’s mandate is limited to the consideration of:

  • examining the concept of “safe supply,” defined as the provision of pharmaceutical opioids, heroin, crystal methamphetamine, cocaine or other substances to people who are addicted to or dependent on these substances;
  • whether there is evidence that a proposed “safe supply” would have an impact on fatal or nonfatal overdose, drug diversion or associated health and community impacts;
  • whether there is evidence that a proposed “safe supply” would be accompanied by increased risks to individuals, the community other entities or jurisdictions
  • examining historical evidence regarding the overprescribing of opioids; and
  • whether there is evidence that a proposed “safe supply” would be accompanied by any other benefits or consequences.

Interested groups and individuals are invited to visit assembly.ab.ca/assembly-business/committees/ESS to make an online submission and for additional information on the committee. The deadline for submissions is March 4, 2022.

Committee meetings can be accessed on Alberta Assembly TV and through Assembly Online on the Legislative Assembly of Alberta website.

The Select Special Committee to Examine Safe Supply was established by the Legislative Assembly through the passage of Government Motion 115 on December 7, 2021. The committee must provide a report with recommendations to the Legislative Assembly by April 30, 2022.

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Media Contact:

Tracey Sales, Communications Consultant
Legislative Assembly of Alberta

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