Assistant Opposition Whip
The Honourable Heather Sweet was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Edmonton-Manning, for her third consecutive term, on May 29, 2023.
On June 27, 2023, Ms. Sweet was appointed as the Official Opposition Deputy House Leader, a position she also held in the 30th Legislature.
She is also currently a member of the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship.
Prior to serving with the Legislative Assembly, Ms. Sweet worked for over a decade as a registered social worker. From 2005 to 2015 she worked in child protection services, focusing on high-risk youth, and previous to this, she worked for a year with the Metis Child and Family Services Society.
She was a member of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees’ Committee on Political Action and served as chapter chair for Edmonton and Area Human Services workers.
Active in her community, Ms. Sweet has volunteered at the Vancouver Olympics and the Edmonton Folk Music Festival and with FIFA Edmonton.
She was honoured to be among those selected to attend the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference in 2015.
Ms. Sweet was the 877th Member to be sworn into the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.
A complete listing of the legislative committees each Member has served on can be found under the Roles tab on their individual Member page.