Legislature 14, Session 3 (1961)
Legislature 14, Session 3 (1961)
Assembly SittingsAssembly Committee MeetingsCommittees Bills
       Bills             Bills      
An Act respecting Income Tax
Legislature 14, Session 3
An Act to amend The Arbitration Act
Legislature 14, Session 3
Bill activity information is not available online for this Legislature/Session.
7/6/2024 12:06 PM


  • Reference Only
    The PDF version of this Bill is provided for reference only and is shown as it was introduced at First Reading.  The printed version of the Bill in the custody of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta remains the official copy. 
  • For Bills introduced after April 9, 2001, an asterisk (*) beside the Bill title indicates an amendment was passed. For amendments made to Bills introduced before April 9, 2001, please contact library.requests@assembly.ab.ca for further assistance.
  • For Money Bills introduced after February 10, 1994, the Bill title is followed by ($).
  • Bill type (Government Bill, Private Members' Public Bill, Private Bill) is available for Bills introduced after 1971 starting with the 17th Legislature.
  • Alberta Hansard, the official record of the debates of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, began in 1972. Transcripts for legislative debates prior to 1972 are not available. Historical written material can be accessed at Scrapbook Hansard.