View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 13, Session 4 (1958)
Legislature 13, Session 4 (1958)
An Act to amend The Alberta Wheat Pool Act, 1929
An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Highwood Western Railway Company, being chapter 74 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1946
An Act respecting the Camrose Lutheran College Corporation
An Act to Incorporate the Public Denturists of Alberta
An Act to amend an Ordinance to Incorporate the Synod of the Diocese of Calgary and the Parishes of the said Diocese
An Act to amend The Edelweiss Club Act
An Act respecting Alberta Crippled Children's Hospital
An Act to amend The Municipal Districts' Employees' Superannuation Act, 1948
An Act Ratifying, Confirming and Declaring to be in Full Force and Effect Certain Special Franchise Agreements and the By-laws Authorizing the same between Northwestern Utilities, Limited and the Towns of Drayton Valley and Provost, the New Town of Hinton, the Villages of Innisfree, Lavoy and Minburn and the Summer Village of Seba Beach
An Act Ratifying, Confirming and Declaring to be in Full Force and Effect Certain Special Franchise Agreements and the By-laws Authorizing the Same Between Northland Utilities Limited and the Towns of Grimshaw, High Prairie and Manning and the Village of Berwyn
An Act to Incorporate Roxy Savings and Loan Trust Ltd.
An Act for Granting to Her Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first day of March, 1957, the Thirty-first day of March, 1958, and the Thirty-first day of March, 1959
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of Unit Operations in the Turner Valley Field
An Act respecting Pipe Lines
An Act to amend The School Act
An Act to amend The Livestock Diseases Act
An Act to amend The Notaries Public Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Evidence Act
An Act to amend The Legal Profession Act
An Act to amend The Trustee Act
An Act to Validate an Order in Council Authorizing the Provision of Services to Certain Persons Under the Hospitalization and Treatment Services Act
An Act to Correct Certain Printing and Other Errors in The Revised Statutes of Alberta, 1955, and in Statutes amending the said Revised Statutes in the Years 1956 and 1957
An Act to amend The Emergency Teacher Training Act
An Act to amend The Private Detectives Act
An Act to Provide a Means of Compensating Persons Who Have Been Deprived of Mineral Interests in Land Solely Through an Error of a Registrar or of Any of the Officials of the Land Titles Offices
An Act to amend The Farm Purchase Credit Act
An Act to amend The Co-operative Associations Act
An Act to amend The University of Alberta Hospital Act
An Act to Facilitate the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments
An Act to amend The Hotelkeepers Act
An Act to amend The Libraries Act
An Act to amend The Tuberculosis Act
An Act to amend The Public Welfare Act
An Act Respecting the Redemption of Mineral Titles acquired by Forfeiture or Transfer Pursuant to The Mineral Taxation Act, 1945, or The Mineral Taxation Act, 1947
An Act to amend The Hospitalization and Treatment Services Act
An Act to amend The Billiard Rooms and Bowling Alleys Act
An Act to amend The Alberta School Trustees' Association Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Capital Expenditure Loans Act
An Act to amend The Disabled Persons' Pensions Act
An Act to Establish The Alberta Bureau of Statistics
An Act to amend The Electric Power Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Assessment Duties Temporary Suspension Act
An Act to amend The Pipe Line Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Assessment Appeal Board Act
An Act to amend The Agricultural Societies Act
An Act respecting the Interpretation and Constitution of Statutes and to Make Uniform the Law in Respect Thereto
An Act Respecting Assignments of Book Debts
An Act to amend The Public Health Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act
An Act to amend The School Buildings Assistance Act
An Act to amend The Fuel Oil Licensing Act
An Act to amend The Widows' Pensions Act
An Act to amend The Home for Aged or Infirm Act
An Act to repeal Certain Acts of the Legislature
An Act respecting the Department of Industries and Labour
An Act to amend The Credit Union Act
An Act to amend The County Act
An Act to amend The Public Lands Act (1)
An Act to provide for the Establishment of Public Junior Colleges
An Act to amend The Town and Rural Planning Act
An Act to Aid Mothers in the Support of Children
An Act to amend The Municipalities Assessment and Equalization Act
An Act to amend The Societies Act
An Act to Validate Certain Votes Taken under The Municipal Hospitals Act
An Act to amend The Seed Dealers Act
An Act to amend The Bee Diseases Act
An Act to amend The Hospitalization Benefits Act
An Act to amend The Nursing Aides Act
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Conservation Act
An Act to Validate Certain Orders in Council increasing Pensions under The Disabled Persons' Pensions Act and The Widows' Pensions Act
An Act to amend The Public Contributions Act
An Act to Amend The Highways Department Act
An Act to Provide for Plebiscites on Questions relating to the Control and Licensing of Traffic in Alcoholic Liquors
An Act to amend The Child Welfare Act
An Act to Provide for Assistance to Municipalities
An Act to Amend The Lloydminster Municipal Amalgamation Act, 1930
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act
An Act respecting Liquor and the Selling thereof under Government Control
An Act to Establish the Alberta Government Telephones Commission
An Act to amend The Surveys and Expropriation Act
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Pension Act
An Act to amend The City Act
An Act to amend The Town and Village Act
An Act to amend The Health Unit Act
An Act to Provide for the Establishment and Licensing of Beer and Liquor Outlets Subject to Local Option and to Provide for Matters Incidental Thereto
An Act to Facilitate the Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders
An Act to amend The Assessment Act
An Act to amend The Right of Entry Arbitration Act
An Act to amend The Execution Creditors Act
An Act to amend The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act
An Act to amend The School Grants Act
An Act to amend The Special Areas Act
An Act to amend The Improvement Districts Act
An Act to amend The Summary Convictions Act
An Act to amend The Police Act
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to amend The Public Lands Act (2)
An Act to amend The Coal Miners Rehabilitation Act
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Royalties Dividend Act
An Act to amend The Queen's Printer Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Vehicles Act
An Act to amend The Farm Purchase Credit Act (2)
An Act to amend The Amusements Act
An Act to Validate certain By-laws of the City of Edmonton as Passed in the Year 1956
9/20/2024 5:31 AM

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