View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

Access Bills

Legislature 18, Session 2 (1976)
Legislature 18, Session 2 (1976)
Government Bills
The Statutes Repeal Act, 1976
The Appropriation Act, 1976
The Appropriation (Interim Supply) Act, 1976
The Social Development Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta School Trustees' Association Amendment Act, 1976
The Calgary General Hospital Board Act
The Alberta Loan Act, 1976
The Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation Amendment Act, 1976
The Libraries Amendment Act, 1976
The Unfair Trade Practices Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta Health Care Insurance Amendment Act, 1976
The Department of Transportation Amendment Act, 1976
The Temporary Rent Regulation Measures Amendment Act, 1976
The Real Estate Agents' Licensing Amendment Act, 1976
The Municipal and Provincial Properties Valuation Amendment Act, 1976
The Northland School Division Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta Income Tax Amendment Act, 1976
The Pension Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta Home Mortgage Corporation Act
The Municipal Government Amendment Act, 1976
The Hail and Crop Insurance Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta Investment Fund Repeal Act
The Plumbing and Drainage Act
The Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
The Energy Resources Conservation Amendment Act, 1976
The Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Amendment Act, 1976
The Land Surface Conservation and Reclamation Amendment Act, 1976
The Planning Amendment Act, 1976
The Financial Administration Amendment Act, 1976
The Department of Education Amendment Act, 1976
The Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act, 1976
The Department of Advanced Education and Manpower Amendment Act, 1976
The Civil Service Association of Alberta Repeal Act
The Pharmaceutical Association Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act
The Department of Housing and Public Works Amendment Act, 1976
The Public Works Amendment Act, 1976
The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1976
The Occupational Health and Safety Act
The Bills of Sale Amendment Act, 1976
The Workers' Compensation Amendment Act, 1976
The Oil and Gas Conservation Amendment Act, 1976
The Stray Animals Act
The Alberta Energy Company Amendment Act, 1976
The Ground Water Control Amendment Act, 1976
The Credit and Loan Agreements Amendment Act, 1976
The Forest and Prairie Protection Amendment Act, 1976
The Co-operative Associations Amendment Act, 1976
The Natural Gas Pricing Agreement Amendment Act, 1976
The Racing Commission Amendment Act, 1976
The Department of Government Services Amendment Act, 1976
The Manpower Development Act
The Corrections Act, 1976
The Motor Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 1976
The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act, 1976
The Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation Act
The Gas Utilities Amendment Act, 1976
The Natural Gas Price Administration Amendment Act, 1976
The Dependent Adults Act
The Fatality Inquiries Act
The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1976
The Change of Name Amendment Act, 1976
The Students Finance Act, 1976
The Cancer Treatment and Prevention Amendment Act, 1976
The Lloydminster Hospital Amendment Act, 1976
The Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2)
The Statutes Repeal Act, 1976 (No. 2)
The Ombudsman Amendment Act, 1976
The Alberta Labour Amendment Act, 1976
The Provincial Parks Amendment Act, 1976
The Surface Rights Amendment Act, 1976
The Hospital Services Commission Amendment Act, 1976
The Environment Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
The Statute Law Correction Act, 1976
The Improvement Districts Amendment Act, 1976
The Municipal Taxation Amendment Act, 1976
The Consumer and Corporate Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
The Appropriation (Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, Capital Projects Division) Act, 1976
The Mental Health Amendment Act, 1976
The Municipal Government Amendment Act, 1976
The Metric Conversion Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
The Petroleum Marketing Amendment Act, 1976
The Police Amendment Act, 1976
The Education Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
The Treasury Branches Amendment Act, 1976
The Fuel Oil Tax Amendment Act, 1976
The Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority Amendment Act, 1976
The Universities Amendment Act, 1976
The Radiological Technicians Amendment Act, 1976
The Temporary Rent Regulation Measures Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2)
Private Members' Public Bills
The Cash Discount Act
An Act Respecting Body-Rub Parlours and Nude Parlours
An Act to Amend The Alberta Health Care Insurance Act
An Act to Amend The Alberta Government Telephones Act
An Act to Amend The Highway Traffic Act. 1975
An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act
An Act to Amend The Amusements Act
The Smoke Detector Act
An Act to Amend The School Act (No. 2)
The Temporary Non-Resident Farm Ownership Act
An Act to Amend The Fuel Oil Licensing Act
The Right to Information Act
An Act to Amend The Alberta Energy Company Act (No. 2)
An Act to Amend The Environment Conservation Act
An Act to Amend The Environment Conservation Act (No. 2)
An Act to Amend The Individual's Rights Protection Act
An Act to Repeal The Health Insurance Premiums Act
An Act to Amend The School Act
An Act to Amend The Fire Prevention Act
An Act to Amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to Amend The Age of Majority Act
An Act to Amend The Ombudsman Act
The Parents' Liability Act
An Act to Amend The Financial Administration Act
An Act to Amend The Alberta Energy Company Act
The Matrimonial Property Act
An Act to Amend The Motor Vehicle Administration Act
The Telephone Act
An Act to Amend The Municipal Government Act
An Act to Amend The Motor Vehicle Administration Act (No. 2)
The Adult Publication Act
The Rural Electrification Association Contract Act
An Act to Amend The Provincial General Hospitals Act
The Blind Persons' Guide Dogs Act
The Land Speculation Tax Act
The Beef Labelling Act
An Act to Amend The Juvenile Court Act
Private Bills
An Act respecting a certain Agreement between The City of Edmonton and Northern Alberta Natural Gas Development Company, Limited, and dated the 16th day of November, 1915
An Act to Amend The Mennonite Mutual Relief Insurance Company Act
An Act to Incorporate The Certified General Accountants Association of Alberta
11/8/2024 3:29 PM

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