The Alberta Bill of Rights
The Individual's Rights Protection Act
The Appropriation (Interim Supply) Act, 1972
The Appropriation Act, 1972
The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Loan Act, 1972
The Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation Amendment Act, 1972
The Wildlife Amendment Act, 1972
The Research Council Amendment Act, 1972
The Public Service Vehicles Amendment Act, 1972
The Public Highways Development Amendment Act, 1972
The Judicature Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Environmental Research Trust Amendment Act, 1972
The City of Calgary and Calgary Power Ltd. Agreement Authorization Act, 1972
An Act respecting the Minister of Industry and Commerce
The Teaching Profession Amendment Act, 1972
The Provincial General Hospitals Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Education Amendment Act, 1972
Farm Home Improvements Act, 1972
The Coroners Amendment Act, 1972
The Companies Amendment Act, 1972
The Margarine Amendment Act, 1972
The Condominium Property Amendment Act, 1972
The Beverage Container Amendment Act, 1972
The Fuel Oil Tax Amendment Act, 1972
The Apprenticeship Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Manpower and Labour Act
The Agricultural Chemicals Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of the Environment Amendment Act, 1972
The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Advanced Education Act
The Sexual Sterilization Repeal Act, 1972
The Northern Alberta Development Council Amendment Act, 1972
An Act Respecting The Minister of Telephones and Utilities
The Hospital Services Commission Amendment Act, 1972
The Treatment Services Amendment Act, 1972
The Municipalities Assistance Amendment Act, 1972
The Clean Air Amendment Act, 1972
The Environment Conservation Amendment Act, 1972
The Cultural Development Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Housing Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation Amendment Act, 1972
The Public Lands Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Income Tax Amendment Act, 1972
The Livestock Brand Inspection Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Opportunity Fund Act
The Statutes Repeal Act, 1972
The Federal-Provincial Farm Assistance Amendment Act, 1972
The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act, 1972
The Universities Amendment Act, 1972
The Co-operative Marketing Associations Guarantee Amendment Act, 1972
The Energy Resources Conservation Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Federal and Intergovernmental Affairs Act
The Hydro and Electric Energy Amendment Act, 1972
The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1972
The Social Development Amendment Act, 1972
The Maintenance and Recovery Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Highways and Transport Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Hospitals Amendment Act, 1972
The Hospital Visitors Committee Act
The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 1972
The Statutes Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Health Care Insurance Amendment Act, 1972
The Health Insurance Premiums Amendment Act, 1972
The Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act, 1972
The Milk Control Amendment Act, 1972
The Agricultural Development Act
The Alberta Art Foundation Act
The Ombudsman Amendment Act, 1972
The Credit and Loan Agreements Amendment Act, 1972
The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Agricultural Societies Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Labour Amendment Act, 1972
The Gas Resources Preservation Amendment Act, 1972
The District Courts Amendment Act, 1972
The Franchises Amendment Act, 1972
The Mental Health Act, 1972
The Child Welfare Amendment Act, 1972
The Off-Highway Vehicle Act
The Securities Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Gas Trunk Line Company Amendment Act, 1972
The Department of Agriculture Amendment Act, 1972
The Builders' Lien Amendment Act, 1972
The Investment Contracts Amendment Act, 1972
The Financial Administration Amendment Act, 1972
The Clean Water Amendment Act, 1972
The Wilderness Areas Amendment Act, 1972
The Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act, 1972
The Mineral Taxation Act, 1972
The Oil and Gas Conservation Amendment Act, 1972
The School Amendment Act, 1972
An Act to Amend The Appropriation (Interim Supply) Act, 1972
The Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 1972
The Public Service Management Pension Act
The Senior Citizens Shelter Assistance Act
The Public Service Amendment Act, 1972
The Municipal Taxation Amendment Act, 1972
The Planning Amendment Act, 1972
The Crown Agencies Employee Relations Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Insurance Amendment Act, 1972
The Public Lands Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Land Titles Amendment Act, 1972
The Defamation Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Income Tax Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Department of Public Works Amendment Act, 1972
The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Brand Amendment Act, 1972
The Financial Administration Amendment Act (No. 2)
The Alberta Hospitals Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Municipal Government Amendment Act, 1972
The Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
The Communal Property Repeal Act
The A.G.T.-Edmonton Telephones Act
The Improvement Districts Amendment Act, 1972
The Health Insurance Statutes Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Lord's Day Amendment Act, 1972
The Mineral Taxation Amendment Act, 1972
The Alberta Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Foundation Act
The Election Statutes Amendment Act, 1972
The Credit and Loan Agreements Amendment Act, 1972 (No. 2)
An Act to Amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act to Amend The Planning Act
An Act to Amend The Election Act
The Family Homes Expropriation Act
The Billiard Rooms Amendment Act, 1972
An Act to amend The Social Development Act
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act (No. 2)
An Act to Amend The Municipal Government Act
The Corporate Farming Act
An Act to amend The School Act
An Act to Amend The Election Act (No. 2)
An Act respecting Remembrance and Dedication to Peace
The Local Development Company Act
An Act to Amend The Pharmaceutical Association Act
The Anti-organized Crime Act
The Landlord and Tenant Act, 1972
An Act to incorporate the Grande Prairie Racing Association
An Act to amend an Act to Incorporate The Historical Society of Alberta
An Act to Incorporate The Sisters of Charity of Providence of Calgary
An Act to Amend an Ordinance to incorporate Les Soeurs de Charite de la Providence des Territoires du Nord Ouest
The Society of Industrial Accountants of Alberta Act, 1972
An Act to Amend An Act to Incorporate Canadian Junior College
An Act to Terminate Certain Agreements Between the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and the City of Calgary
An Act to Provide for an Extension of Time for Commencing an Action Beyond the Period Allowed by the Limitation of Actions Act
An Act to Incorporate the Institute of Accredited Public Accountants of Alberta
An Act respecting Great Way Merchandizing Ltd. and The Securities Act