View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 15, Session 2 (1965)
Legislature 15, Session 2 (1965)
An Act for Granting to Her Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first Day of March, 1964, the Thirty-first Day of March, 1965, and the Thirty-first Day of March, 1966
An Act to amend The Paramount Health and Accident Insurance Company Act
An Act to Incorporate the Cardinal Life Insurance Company
An Act to Incorporate the Cardinal Savings and Trust Company
An Act to Incorporate Red Deer Exhibition Association
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands Leased to Tweedsmuir, an Academic School for Girls from Taxation
An Act respecting Canadian Pacific Railway Company, The Calgary and Edmonton Railway Company and Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas Limited
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land Owned by the Red Deer Association for Retarded Children from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands belonging to The Community, General Hospital, Alms House and Seminary of Learning of the Sisters of Charity at Ottawa, Canada, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) of Alberta from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands belonging to Les Soeurs de Sainte Croix et des Sept Douleurs from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of The Ursulines of Jesus from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of The Sisters of Charity of St. Louis of Medicine Hat, Medicine Hat, Alberta, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Incorporate the Medicine Hat Racing Association
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of The Lay Institute of Mary of the Annunciation from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to amend An Act respecting The Alberta Conference Association of Seventh-Day Adventists
An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate The Alberta Fidelity Trust Company
An Act to Incorporate Rocky Mountain Life Insurance Company
An Act to amend An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands belonging to The Sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus from Assessment and Taxation
An Act respecting The Edmonton Hebrew School (Talmud Torah)
An Act to Incorporate Monarch Trust and Savings Corporation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands Owned by The Southern Alberta United Church Rehabilitation Lodge for Alcoholics from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Incorporate Principal Savings and Trust Company
An Act to amend The Municipal and Provincial Properties Valuation Act
An Act to amend The Department of Education Act
An Act to amend The Mewata Park Enabling Act
An Act to Provide for the Exemption from Municipal Assessment and Taxation of Properties used for certain Benevolent Purposes
An Act to amend The Local Authorities Board Act
An Act to amend The Securities Act, 1955
An Act to amend The Livestock Diseases Act
An Act to amend The Accredited School Districts Act
An Act for the Removal of a Restriction Affecting Certain Property of the City of Edmonton
An Act to amend The Execution Creditors Act
An Act to amend The Frozen Food Act
An Act to amend The Certified Dental Mechanics Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation Act
An Act to amend The Horned Cattle Purchases Act
An Act to amend The Assessment Act, 1960
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Electric Power and Pipe Line Assessment Act
An Act to amend The Domestic Animals (Municipalities) Act
An Act to amend The Partnership Act
An Act respecting Private Investigators and Security Guards
An Act to Provide for the Payment to Surface Owners of Royalties Collected by the Crown with Respect to Clay and Marl
An Act respecting the Solemnization of Marriage
An Act respecting Dispensers of Ophthalmic Appliances
An Act to amend The Alberta Pharmaceutical Association Act
An Act respecting the Prevention of Venereal Disease
An Act to amend The Conditional Sales Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Vehicles Act
An Act to amend The University Act
An Act to amend The Rural Mutual Telephone Companies Act
An Act to amend The City Act
An Act respecting Improvement Districts
An Act to amend The Alberta Surveys Act
An Act to amend The Rural Telephones Revolving Fund Act
An Act to amend The Town and Village Act
An Act to amend The Summary Convictions Act
An Act to amend The Seizures Act
An Act to repeal The Vendors' and Mortgagees' Costs Exaction Act
An Act to amend The Election Act
An Act to amend The Magistrates and Justices Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Income Tax Act
An Act to amend The Municipalities Assistance Act
An Act to amend The Credit Union Act
An Act respecting the Canvassing of Contributions for Charitable Purposes
An Act respecting the Establishment and Operation of the Alberta Investment Fund
An Act to amend The Dairymen's Act
An Act to amend The Small Debts Act
An Act to amend The Brand Act
An Act to amend The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act
An Act for the Licensing and Regulation of Collection Agencies
An Act to amend The Farm Purchase Credit Act, 1963
An Act to amend The Family Court Act
An Act to amend The University and College Assistance Act
An Act to amend The Co-operative Associations Act
An Act to amend The Civil Defence and Disaster Act
An Act to amend The School Act
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Conservation Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Government Telephones Act
An Act respecting the Department of Public Works
An Act respecting Northland School Division No. 61
An Act to Co-operate with the Government of Canada and other Public Authorities for the provision of Housing and Urban Renewal
An Act respecting the Department of Highways
An Act respecting the Teachers' Retirement Fund
An Act to amend The Insurance Corporations Tax Act
An Act to amend The Fire Prevention Act
An Act respecting Public Works
An Act to Incorporate Sterling Life Assurance
An Act to Incorporate Highland Savings and Trust Company
An Act to Incorporate The American Western Life Insurance Company of Alberta
An Act to amend An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of of Les Soeurs De Charite De La Providence Des Territoires Du Nord Ouest, Calgary, Alberta, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands belonging to the Christian Training Institute, North American Baptists from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands belonging to Les Soeurs De Charite De La Providence Des Territoires Du Nord-Ouest from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to amend The Planning Act
An Act to amend The Mineral Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Pipe Line Act, 1958
An Act to amend The Child Welfare Act
An Act to Incorporate The Alberta West Coast Insurance Corporation
An Act respecting Alberta Land Surveyors
An Act to amend The Wilderness Provincial Park Act
An Act to amend The Credit and Loan Agreements Act
An Act to amend The Public Lands Act
An Act to amend The Co-operative Marketing Associations Guarantee Act
An Act to amend The Associated Hospitals of Alberta Act
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act
An Act to amend The Cemeteries Act
An Act to amend The Water Resources Act
An Act to amend The Companies Act
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Board Act
An Act to amend The Trustee Act and The Trust Companies Act, 1960
An Act to amend The Mines and Minerals Act, 1962
An Act respecting the Alberta Resources Railway Corporation
An Act to amend The Public Highways Act
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act respecting the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Canada and the Exchequer Court of Canada
An Act to amend The Agricultural Service Board Act
An Act to amend The Right of Entry Arbitration Act
An Act to amend The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act
An Act to amend The Local Authorities Pension Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Pension Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Act, 1962
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend The Forests Act, 1961
An Act to amend The M.L.A. Compensation Act
An Act to amend The Gas Utilities Act
An Act to amend The Expropriation Procedure Act
An Act to amend The Homestead Lease Loan Act
An Act to amend The Marketing of Agricultural Products Act
An Act to amend The Game Act
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
7/26/2024 8:13 PM

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