An Act to Incorporate the Western Union Insurance Company
An Act to incorporate The Canadian Junior College
An Act to Amend the Acts and Ordinances Constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to Amend the Acts Constituting The Edmonton Charter
An Act to Expropriate Land for the Proposed Village of Waterways
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first Day of March, 1939, the Thirty-first Day of March, 1940, and the Thirty-first Day of March, 1941
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act Respecting Building Associations
An Act to Amend The Alberta Social Credit Realization Act
An Act to Amend The Corporations Temporary Additional Taxation Act
An Act to Amend The Masters and Servants Act
An Act to Amend The Public Health Act
An Act for the Continuation of The Unemployment Relief Act, 1933
An Act Relating to the Treatment and Prevention of Cancer
An Act to Amend The Municipal Improvements Assistance (Alberta) Act
An Act to Continue in Force Certain Provisions of The Public Utilities Act, 1923
An Act to Amend The Local Authorities Borrowings Guarantee Act, 1937
An Act to Amend The Seed Grain and Other Advances Security Act
An Act to amend and consolidate The Metis Population Betterment Act
An Act to Amend an Act to Validate and Confirm an Agreement Between the Town of Lacombe and the Municipal District of Crown, No. 399, for the Provision of Hospital Facilities
An Act Respecting Penalties for Non-Payment of Certain Irrigation Rates and Drainage Rates
An Act Respecting Members of the Civil Service who Enlist for Active Service in the Military, Naval or Air Forces of Canada during the present War between Great Britain and the German Reich
An Act for the Further Continuation in Force of The Banking Corporations Temporary Additional Taxation Act
An Act to Amend The School Act, 1931
An Act to Amend The Tax Recovery Act, 1938
An Act for the Relief of Persons Serving in the Present European War
An Act to amend The Provincial Lands Act, 1939
An Act to amend The Guarantees Acknowledgment Act
An Act to Authorize the Formation and Operation of The Alberta Provincial Bank
An Act to Amend The Income Tax Act
An Act to Amend The Special Areas Act, 1939
An Act to Amend The Teachers' Retirement Fund Act
An Act to Amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Judicature Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Branches Act