View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 5, Session 4 (1924)
Legislature 5, Session 4 (1924)
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting Life Insurance Contracts
An Act to amend The University Act
An Act for the Prevention and Treatment of Contagious Diseases among Bees
An Act to amend The Agricultural Department Act
An Act to amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to enter George Munro Ross upon the Alberta Medical Register without examination
An Act respecting the Union of certain Churches
An Act to Empower the Medicine Lake Collieries, Limited, to Construct and Operate a Colliery Railway
An Act to amend the Medicine Hat Charter
An Act to Incorporate the Burmis Carbon Railway Company
An Act to amend The Vital Statistics Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act
An Act to Provide for the Raising of Money for the Improvement of Main Highways
An Act to provide for Government Control and Sale of Alcoholic Liquors
An Act for the Enrolment of Stallions
An Act to Provide for Giving Threshers a Lien in Certain Cases
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend the Acts constituting The Edmonton Charter and to validate certain Local Improvement By-laws of the City of Edmonton
An Act to amend The Municipal Hail Insurance Act
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary and to Validate Certain By-laws of the said City of Calgary
An Act respecting the Election of Members of the Legislative Assembly
An Act respecting Hospital Facilities in connection with the University of Alberta
An Act respecting Vehicles and Highway Traffic
An Act to amend The Game Act
An Act respecting Benevolent and Other Societies
An Act to amend The Conditional Sales Act
An Act respecting the Two-Platoon System for the Employees of Permanent Fire Departments
An Act respecting the Hours of Labor of Employees of Permanent Fire Departments
An Act respecting the Limitation of Actions
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act (Accident Fund)
An Act to amend The School Assessment Act
An Act to amend The Mines Act
An Act respecting Co-operative Associations
An Act relating to Domestic Relations
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act respecting Slot Machines
An Act respecting The Alberta Co-operative Wheat Producers, Limited
An Act to amend The Insanity Act
An Act respecting Areas Situated Along the Borders of the Province
An Act to amend The Live Stock Encouragement Act
An Act to Regulate the Rights and Priorities of Landlords after a Voluntary Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors
An Act to amend The School Act
An Act respecting the Law of Landlord and Tenant
An Act to Provide for the Imposition of a Tax Upon Gasoline
An Act to Establish a Farm Loan Board
An Act to amend The Alberta Co-operative Credit Act
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years ending respectively the Thirty-first day of December, 1923, and the Thirty-first day of December, 1924, and from the First day of January, 1925, up to the date of final passage of the Estimates for the Fiscal Year ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1925
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to amend The Statute Law
An Act respecting The Village of Provost
An Act respecting the Village of Falher
An Act to amend The Hospitals Act
An Act to amend The Savings Certificates Act
An Act to amend The Legal Profession Act
9/8/2024 3:59 AM

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