View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

Access Bills

Legislature 19, Session 2 (1980-1981)
Legislature 19, Session 2 (1980-1981)
Government Bills
The University Hospital Foundation Amendment Act, 1980
The Consumer and Corporate Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 1980
The Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1980
The Department of Government Services Amendment Act, 1980
The Distress of Leased Chattels Act
The Gratuitous Passenger Statutes Amendment Act, 1980
The Radiation Protection Amendment Act, 1980
The Service of Documents During Postal Interruptions Act
The Electric Power and Pipe Line Assessment Amendment Act, 1980
The Colleges Amendment Act, 1980
The Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation Amendment Act, 1980
The University of Alberta Hospital Amendment Act, 1980
The Municipal Taxation Amendment Act, 1980
The Municipal Election Amendment Act, 1980
The Appropriation (Interim Supply) Act, 1980
The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, 1980
The Motor Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 1980
The Hospitals and Medical Care Statutes Amendment Act, 1980
The Off-highway Vehicle Amendment Act, 1980
The Libraries Amendment Act, 1980
The Department of Culture Act
The Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act, 1980
The Wildlife Amendment Act, 1980
The Gas Utilities Amendment Act, 1980
The Public Utilities Board Amendment Act, 1980
The Land Agents Licensing Act
The Social Care Facilities Review Committee Act
The Alberta Health Facilities Review Committee Amendment Act, 1980
The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Amendment Act, 1980
The Hospital Debt Retirement Act
The Financial Administration Amendment Act, 1980
The Livestock and Livestock Products Amendment Act, 1980
The Medical Services Research Foundation Amendment Act, 1980
The Surface Rights Amendment Act, 1980
The Commissioners for Oaths Amendment Act, 1980
The Notaries Public Amendment Act, 1980
The Unfair Trade Practices Amendment Act, 1980
The Alberta Property Tax Reduction Amendment Act, 1980
The Companies Amendment Act, 1980
The Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 1980
The Alberta Corporate Income Tax Act
The Alberta Income Tax Amendment Act, 1980
The Universities Amendment Act, 1980
The Department of Municipal Affairs Amendment Act, 1980
The School Election Amendment Act, 1980
The Societies Amendment Act, 1980
The Appropriation Act, 1980
The Election Amendment Act, 1980
The Trust Companies Amendment Act, 1980
The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act, 1980
The Alberta Emblems Amendment Act, 1980
The Amusements Amendment Act, 1980
The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act, 1980 (No. 2)
The Defamation Amendment Act, 1980
The Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Amendment Act, 1980
The Individual's Rights Protection Amendment Act, 1980
The Public Inquiries Amendment Act, 1980
The Dependent Adults Amendment Act, 1980
The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Special Appropriation Act, 1981-82
The Referendum Act
The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 1980
The Petroleum Marketing Amendment Act, 1980
The Natural Gas Price Administration Amendment Act, 1980
The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Amendment Act, 1980
The Rural Electrification Revolving Fund Amendment Act, 1980
The Students Loan Guarantee Amendment Act, 1980
The Students Finance Amendment Act, 1980
The Agricultural Societies Amendment Act, 1980
The Irrigation Amendment Act, 1980
The Agricultural Statutes Amendment Act, 1980
The Natural Gas Rebates Amendment Act, 1980
The Department of Transportation Amendment Act, 1980
The Public Inquiries Amendment Act, 1980 (No. 2)
The Planning Amendment Act, 1980
The Liquor Control Act, 1980
The Rural Gas Amendment Act, 1980
The Appropriation (Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, Capital Projects Division) Act, 1980
The Appropriation (Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, Capital Projects Division) Supplementary Act, 1980
The Labour Relations Act
The Employment Standards Act
The Financial Administration Amendment Act, 1980 (No. 2)
The Alberta Government Telephones Amendment Act, 1980
The Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act, 1980
The Health Occupations Act
The Business Corporations Act
The Pension Fund Act
The Ground Water Development Act
The Election Act, 1980
The Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 1980
The Architects Act, 1980
The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act, 1980 (No. 3)
The Workers' Compensation Amendment Act, 1980
The Alberta Health Care Insurance Amendment Act, 1980
The Interpretation Act, 1980
The Engineering and Related Professions Amendment Act, 1980
The Police Amendment Act, 1980
The Personal Property Security Act
Private Members' Public Bills
An Act to Amend the Individual's Rights Protection Act
An Act to Amend the Builders' Lien Act
An Act to Amend the School Act
An Act to Amend the Highway Traffic Act, 1975
An Act to Amend the Ombudsman Act
The Conflict of Interest Act
An Act to Amend the Ombudsman Act (No. 2)
The Freedom of Information Act
The Crown Corporation and Government Agency Disclosure Act
The Environmental Bill of Rights
The Temporary Rent Regulation Measures Act, 1980
The Utility Consumers' Advocate Act
The Public Utilities Plebiscite Act
An Act to Amend the Alberta Energy Company Act
The Home Energy Conservation Act
The Recreational Rivers Act
The Children's Rights Act
An Act to Amend the School Act (No. 2)
The Tenancies of Mobile Home Sites Act
The Adoptee's Origins Act
The Act to Amend the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act
The Small Business Development Corporation Act
The Solar Energy Development Act
An Act to Amend the Alberta Energy Company Act (No. 2)
An Act to Amend the Expropriation Act
The Farm Pension Act
An Act Establishing the Right to Sunlight
The Code of Ethics and Conduct Act
An Act to Amend the Child Welfare Act (No. 2)
An Act to Amend the Child Welfare Act
An Act to Amend the Individual's Rights Protection Act (No. 2)
An Act to Amend the Public Service Employee Relations Act
The Privacy Act
The Environment Protection Authority Act
An Act to Amend the Municipal Election Act
An Act to Amend the Alberta Income Tax Act
An Act Amend the Surface Rights Act
The Travel Agents Licensing Act
The Energy Conservation Building Standards Act
Private Bills
The La Fondation de l'Association canadienne-francaise de l'Alberta Act
The Edmonton Research and Development Park Authority Act
The Alberta Wheat Pool Amendment Act, 1980
The Keith Dial Adoption Termination Act
The Alberta Foundation Act
The Prairie Bible Institute Amendment Act, 1980
The Warren Dean Boyd Adoption Act
The Stockmen's Memorial Foundation Act
9/20/2024 2:07 PM

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