View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 2, Session 4 (1913)
Legislature 2, Session 4 (1913)
An Act to Amend Chapter 35 of The Statutes of Alberta, 1910 (Second Session), being an Act to Incorporate Calgary College
An Act to Incorporate The Bowness Improvement Company
An Act to Incorporate the Alberta Norwegian Lutheran College Association
An Act to Incorporate the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge
An Act to Incorporate the Canada Union Assurance Company
An Act to Provide for the severance from the Town of Nanton of legal subdivisions 5, 6, 7 and 8, of section 22, in township 16, range 28, west of the 4th Meridian, in the Province of Alberta
An Act Respecting the Lethbridge Country Club
An Act to Amend Chapter 35 of the Ordinances of the North West Territories, 1901, being an Ordinance to Incorporate the British Canadian Trust and Guarantee Company
An Act to Incorporate Les Fils de Marie Immaculee
An Act to Incorporate The Western Porters' Association
An Act Respecting "The Dominion Trust Company"
An Act respecting the Assessment and Collection of Taxes in the Town of Stettler
An Act to amend the Act Incorporating The Canadian Northern Western Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Jesuits of Alberta and the Edmonton College
An Act to Incorporate The Ursulines of Jesus
An Act to Incorporate the Athabasca Club
An Act to Incorporate the Chinook Railway Company
An Act to Amend Chapter 50 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910, Second Session, being an Act to Incorporate Peace River Great Western Railway
An Act to Incorporate "The Opus Club"
An Act to Incorporate The Douglas Club
An Act respecting Mines
An Act further to amend Ordinance No. 43 of the Ordinances of 1901, intituled "An Ordinance to Incorporate the Town of Cardston"
An Act to Incorporate the Brule Lake Railway Company
An Act to amend Chapter 51 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910 (Second Session), being an Act to incorporate High River and Hudson's Bay Railway Company
An Act respecting Villages
An Act to Incorporate Les Soeurs de la Charite de Notre Dame d'Evron
An Act respecting the Galt Hospital
An Act to Incorporate The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the Dominion of Canada
An Act to Incorporate The Calgary St. Andrews Golf Club
An Act to Incorporate The Medicine Hat Golf and Country Club
An Act to Incorporate The Lady Minto Cottage Hospital at Islay
An Act to incorporate the City of Lethbridge
An Act to Amend The Edmonton Country Club Act
An Act to Incorporate the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Parishes and Missions in the Province of Alberta
An Act to Amend the Acts and Ordinances relating to the City of Calgary and to validate certain By-laws of the said City
An Act respecting the Construction and Maintenance of Small Ditches by the Owners of Lands to be benefited
An Act to Incorporate The Knights of Columbus Club
An Act to Authorize James Alexander McCaffry to Practise Law
An Act to Incorporate The Calgary Musicians Club
An Act to Incorporate The Taber Transit Company
An Act to amend the Medicine Hat Charter
An Act respecting the Bow River Collieries Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Central Canada Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Alberta Jockey Club
An Act to Incorporate "Alberta Ladies' College"
An Act respecting The Town of Red Deer
An Act to regulate the Purchase, Sale and Transfer of Stocks of Goods in Bulk
An Act to Incorporate the Catholic Parishes and Missions in the Archdiocese of Edmonton
An Act to Incorporate the Town of East Calgary
An Act to Incorporate The East Calgary Power Company
An Act to ratify a certain Agreement made by The Town of Wainwright
An Act to amend the Act Incorporating the Alberta Metropolitan Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate The Edmonton, Stony Plain and Wabamun Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate Tramways, Limited
An Act to amend The Chestermere and Calgary Railway Company
An Act to amend The Town Act, being Chapter 2 of the Acts of 1911-1912
An Act respecting Schools of Agriculture
An Act to Incorporate the Village of Gull Lake
An Act to Incorporate the Edmonton Jockey Club
An Act to Incorporate The Clay Line Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate The Elbow River Suburban Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate Loyal Order of Moose Club
An Act to Incorporate The University Club of Calgary
An Act to Incorporate The Strathcona College
An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Edmonton Charter
An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Lethbridge
An Act to Incorporate The Lethbridge Radial Tramway Company
An Act to amend the Wetaskiwin Charter
An Act to Incorporate The Jesuits of Alberta
An Act to Incorporate The Edmonton College
An Act to amend the School Ordinance, the School Assessment Ordinance and the School Grants Ordinance
An Act to amend Chapter 2 of the Statutes of the Province of Alberta, 1911-12, intituled "An Act respecting Towns"
An Act to amend Chapter 3 of the Statutes of the Province of Alberta, 1911-12, intituled "An Act respecting Rural Municipalities"
An Act to Validate and Confirm By-Laws Numbered 74, 75, 76, 77 and 79, of The Town of Tofield
An Act respecting Co-operative Associations
An Act for the Protection of Persons Employed in the Construction of Buildings and Excavations
An Act for the Protection of Wages to Threshing Machine Employees
An Act respecting Agreements for the Sale of Farm Machinery
An Act to incorporate the Alberta Co-Operative Elevator Company, Limited
An Act to Provide for the Initiation or Approval of Legislation by the Electors
An Act Relating to Town Planning
An Act for the Payment of Wages Fortnightly
An Act to amend Chapter 55 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910, which amends the Act to Incorporate the Lacombe and Blindman Valley Electric Railway Company
An Act respecting Insurance Companies
An Act respecting the Guarantee of Certain Securities of the Canadian Northern Western Railway Company
An Act to amend the Act respecting the Legislative Assembly of Alberta
An Act to amend the Statute Law
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act respecting the Assessment in the Village of Lougheed
An Act respecting the Election of Members of the Legislative Assembly
An Act Validating and Confirming Certain By-Laws of the City of Calgary
An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Sums of Money for the Public Service of the Fiscal Years ending respectively the Thirty-first day of December, 1912, and the Thirty-first day of December, 1913
An Act to Validate and Confirm Certain By-laws of the City of Lethbridge
7/26/2024 8:16 PM

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