View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 7, Session 2 (1932)
Legislature 7, Session 2 (1932)
An Act to amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton and the Parishes of the said Diocese
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Chiropody
An Act to Incorporate Al Azhar Temple Crippled Children's Hospital
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to amend the Acts Constituting The Edmonton Charter and to Validate Certain By-laws Authorizing the Borrowing of Money
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first day of March, 1931, the Thirty-first day of March, 1932, and the Thirty-first day of March, 1933
An Act to authorize the Levying of a Tax upon Incomes
An Act to consolidate and amend The Game Act
An Act to amend and consolidate The Noxious Weeds Act, 1929
An Act respecting Unemployment Relief
An Act to amend The Dairymen's Act
An Act to amend The Public Health Act
An Act to amend The Provincial Loans Act
An Act to amend The Provincial Parks and Protected Areas Act
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend The Creditors' Relief Act
An Act to amend The Trust Companies Act, 1931
An Act respecting Fodder Relief
An Act to repeal The Reclamation Act
An Act to confer certain powers upon the Lieutenant Governor in Council in respect to Insurance
An Act to validate the Settlement of the Liability of the Province of Alberta under its Guarantees of the Repayment of Advances made by certain Banks to Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers, Limited, and to validate the Securities issued by the Province in connection therewith
An Act to amend The Domestic Animals (Unorganized Territory) Act
An Act to amend The Lethbridge Northern Colonization Act
An Act to amend The New West I.D. Colonization Act
An Act to amend The Drainage Districts Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Co-operative Rural Credit Act
An Act to amend The Child Welfare Act
An Act to amend The Juvenile Courts Act
An Act to amend the Ordinance Incorporating the Medicine Hat General Hospital
An Act to amend and consolidate The Succession Duties Act
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Improvement Districts Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Local Tax Arrears Consolidation Act
An Act to amend The Village Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Town Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Hospitals Act
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to ratify a certain Agreement between the Government of the Dominion of Canada and the Government of the Province of Alberta for Policing the Province
An Act to amend The Provincial Police Act, 1928
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act, 1929
An Act to amend The Temporary Seed Grain Advances Act, 1931
An Act to amend The Brand Act
An Act to amend The School Grants Act
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act (Accident Fund)
An Act to validate and confirm an Agreement between the City of Wetaskiwin and the Municipal District of Montgomery No. 458 for the provision of Hospital Facilities
An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Amusements Tax Act
An Act to amend The School Act, 1931
An Act to amend The School Assessment Act, 1931
An Act to authorize the Guarantee by the Province of Borrowings by Municipal Districts for Educational Needs and by School Districts
An Act for the Temporary Increase of Certain Taxes and other Charges Payable by Corporations
An Act to provide for Imposing a Tax on Fuel Oil
An Act respecting the Settlement of the Liability of the Alberta Wheat Pool and others to the Province arising out of the Guarantees given by the Province pursuant to Statutory Authority
An Act to provide for the Liquidation of the Pension Fund of the Alberta Provincial Police
An Act to amend The Savings Certificates Act
An Act conferring Special Powers upon the Trustees of United Irrigation District
An Act to provide for the Enforcement of Alimony, Maintenance and Affiliation Orders
An Act to amend The Bills of Sale Act
An Act respecting the High River Municipal Hospital District No. 11
An Act to confer upon Cities and Towns Borrowing Powers in respect of Expenditures for Unemployment Relief
An Act to amend an Ordinance respecting the exemption from taxation of Beet Sugar Factories
An Act to ratify an Agreement made between the Board of Trustees of the Magrath Irrigation District and the Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Wells Act, 1931
An Act to authorize the Guarantee of Certain Borrowings by Farmers for Binder Twine
An Act respecting the Rights of the Public over Privately-owned Streets and Lanes
An Act respecting the Berry Creek Area
An Act for the Conservation of the Gas Resources of the Turner Valley
An Act to amend The Judicature Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act, 1926
An Act to amend The Debt Adjustment Act, 1931
An Act to amend The Crop Payments Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act for the Relief of Mortgagors and Purchasers
9/20/2024 4:55 PM

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