View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 2, Session 2 (1910)
Legislature 2, Session 2 (1910)
An Act to amend Chapter 53 the Statutes of Alberta, 1906, being an Act to incorporate the Alberta North Western Railway Company
An Act respecting the Town of Stettler
An Act respecting the Pincher Creek, Cardston and Montana Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Great North Insurance Company
An Act respecting Truancy and Compulsory School Attendance
An Act to Validate and Confirm a Certain By-law of said Town of Macleod, and Increasing the Powers of the Town of Macleod
An Act respecting the University of Alberta
An Act to Incorporate Canadian Northern Western Railway Company
An Act respecting Witnesses and Evidence
An Act to Prevent Priority among Execution Creditors
An Act to Amend the Lethbridge Charter
An Act to Incorporate Les Pretres du Sacre Coeur de Jesus
An Act respecting the Rights of Married Women in the Estates of their Deceased Husbands
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the Public Revenue of Alberta
An Act to Provide for the Registration of a Certain Transfer from the Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company to the City of Lethbridge of the Land Known as "Galt Park"
An Act to Incorporate the Western Canada Fire Insurance Company
An Act to Incorporate the Northwestern Life Insurance Company
An Act respecting Charges upon Land contained in Certain Instruments
An Act to incorporate the Young Women’s Christian Association of Edmonton
An Act for the Payment of Wages Fortnightly
An Act to enable the Directors of the City Hospital to change the name thereof to “The Royal Alexandra Hospital” and for other purposes
An Act to Incorporate Edmonton Interurban Railway Company
An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Medicine Hat Charter
An Act to Incorporate the Calgary Young Women’s Christian Association
An Act to Amend the Acts and Ordinances relating to the City of Calgary, and to Validate a Certain By-law of the said City
An Act to Incorporate the Apostolic Syndics of the Franciscan Friars
An Act to Amend the Alberta Land Surveyors’ Act
An Act to Amend the School Ordinance, the School Assessment Ordinance, and the School Grants Ordinance
An Act respecting the Calgary College
An Act to Incorporate Peace River Great Western Railway
An Act to Incorporate "The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta"
An Act respecting the Village of Stafford
An Act respecting the Lethbridge Young Men’s Christian Association
An Act to further Amend the Edmonton Charter, and to Confirm By-law No. 261 of the City of Edmonton
An Act to Incorporate the Calgary College
An Act to Incorporate High River and Hudson Bay Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Calgary Golf and Country Club
An Act to Amend the Strathcona Charter
An Act respecting the Sugar Beet Bonus
An Act to Incorporate Chestermere and Calgary Suburban Railway
An Act to Amend the Game Act
An Act to Validate and Confirm certain Assessments and the Voters’ List of the City of Wetaskiwin
An Act Respecting the Bonds Guaranteed for the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway Company, being an Act to specify certain defaults of the Railway and the consequent rights of the Province
An Act to Amend the Alberta Election Act
An Act to Amend Chapter 2 of the Statutes of 1909, intituled An Act respecting the Legislative Assembly of Alberta
An Act to Incorporate The Alberta Western Railway Company
An Act respecting the Baptist Union of Western Canada
An Act to Amend Chapter 15 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1907, intituled The Noxious Weeds Act”
An Act to Amend Chapter 16 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1907, as Amended by Chapter 20 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1908
An Act respecting Public Health
An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Lacombe, Bullocksville and Alix Electric Railway Company
An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Lacombe and Blindman Valley Electric Railway Company
An Act respecting the Married Women’s Property Act
An Act respecting Chemists and Druggists
An Act to Confirm a Certain Agreement between the Town of St. Albert and one Raymond Brutinel
An Act to Amend the Coal Mines Act
An Act respecting Osteopaths and Osteopathy
An Act to Amend the Agricultural Societies Ordinance, being Chapter 17 of the Ordinance of 1903 (First Session) Amended by Chapter 5, 1907
An Act respecting the Dominion Trust Company
An Act respecting Hail Insurance
An Act respecting Alleged Claims in Connection with the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway Company
An Act for Raising Money on the General Revenue of Alberta
An Act to Amend the Statute Law
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Civil Service for the Financial Year Ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1910, and for the Financial Year Ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1911
7/26/2024 8:09 PM

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