View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 8, Session 8 (1939)
Legislature 8, Session 8 (1939)
An Act to Amend Chapter 57 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1918, and Amendments thereto, being an Act to Incorporate The Calgary and Southwestern Railway Company
An Act to Amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to Amend The Alberta Wheat Pool Act, 1929
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances Constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to Amend the Acts Constituting The Edmonton Charter and to Validate Certain By-laws Authorizing the Borrowing of Money
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first Day of March, 1938, the Thirty-first Day of March, 1939, and the Thirty-first Day of March, 1940
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to Amend and Consolidate The Provincial Lands Act
An Act to Amend and Consolidate The Special Areas Act, 1938
An Act to amend The Judicature Act
An Act respecting Penalties for Non-Payment of Certain Irrigation Rates and Drainage Rates
An Act to Amend The Drainage Districts Act
An Act to Amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to Amend The Credit Union Act
An Act to Amend The Industrial Standards Act
An Act Respecting the Boundary Between the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan
An Act to Amend The Public Highways Act, 1929
An Act to Amend The Provincial Parks and Protected Areas Act
An Act Respecting Dental Mechanics
An Act to Amend The Pipe Line Taxation Act
An Act to Amend The Electric Power Taxation Act
An Act to Amend The Early Closing Act
An Act to Empower the Village of Berwyn and the Municipal District of Peace, No. 857, to Enter into an Agreement for the Provision of Hospital Facilities
An Act to Amend The Horned Cattle Purchases Act
An Act to Amend The Water, Gas, Electric and Telephone Companies Act
An Act to Amend The Water Resources Act
An Act to Amend The Notaries Public Act
An Act to Amend The University of Alberta Hospital Act, 1929
An Act to Amend The Trustee Act
An Act to Amend The Alimony Orders Enforcement Act
An Act to Amend The Sale of Goods Act
An Act to Amend The Magistrates and Justices Act
An Act to Incorporate the Alberta School Trustees Association
An Act to Amend The Alberta Hail Insurance Act
An Act to Amend The Official Guardian Act
An Act to Amend The Legal Profession Act
An Act to Establish a Teachers' Retirement Fund
An Act to Amend The Local Tax Arrears Consolidation Act, 1933
An Act to Amend The Local Tax Arrears Consolidation Act, 1934
An Act to Amend The Fuel Oil Tax Act, 1936
An Act to Amend The Amusements Tax Act
An Act to Amend The Theatres Act
An Act to Amend The School Act, 1931
An Act to Amend The Department of Municipal Affairs Act
An Act to Amend The Seed Grain and Other Advances Security Act
An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Bureau of Relief and Public Welfare Act
An Act to Provide for the Investigation of Remedies for Cancer
An Act to Provide Assistance for Expectant Mothers Who Are in Poor Financial Circumstances
An Act to Amend The Local Authorities Borrowings Guarantee Act, 1937
An Act for the Continuation of The Unemployment Relief Act, 1933
An Act to Amend The Agricultural Relief Advances Act, 1938
An Act to Amend The Municipal Hospitals Act, 1929
An Act to Amend The Town and Village Act
An Act to Amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to Amend The Feeder Associations Guarantee Act
An Act to Amend The Tax Recovery Act, 1938
An Act to Provide for the Cancellation of Indebtedness for Certain Seed Grain Fodder and Relief Advances
An Act to Amend The Licensing of Trades and Businesses Act, 1937
An Act to Amend The Chiropractic Act
An Act to Amend The Chiropody Act
An Act to Empower the Government of the Province of Alberta to Engage in the Business of Insurance
An Act to Amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act to Amend and Consolidate The Coal-mines Regulation Act
An Act respecting the Marketing of Natural Products and other Commodities and to Provide for the Regulation thereof within the Province
An Act to Amend The Corporations Temporary Additional Taxation Act
An Act for the Continuation in Force of The Banking Corporations Temporary Additional Taxation Act
An Act to Amend The Dairymen's Act
An Act to Amend The Fire Department's Two Platoon Act
An Act to Amend The Alberta Election Act
An Act to Amend the Improvement Districts Act, 1927
An Act to Implement the Provisions of The Municipal Improvements Assistance Act, 1938, of Canada
An Act to Amend The Corporations Taxation Act
An Act to Amend The Hours of Work Act
An Act to Amend The Male Minimum Wage Act
An Act to Amend The Hospitals Act, 1938
An Act to Amend The Assessment Act
An Act to Amend The Public Utilities Act, 1923, and to Continue in Force Certain Provisions Thereof
An Act to Amend The Stock Inspection Act, 1922
An Act to Amend The School Grants Act
An Act to Amend The Bull Exchange Act
An Act to Amend The Alberta Surveys Act
An Act to Amend The Companies Act, 1929
An Act to Amend The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act
An Act to Amend The Grain Buyers' Licensing Act
An Act Respecting the Occupation of Hairdressing
An Act to Provide for the Establishment and Operation of Public Live Stock Markets
An Act to Establish an Agency for the Centralization of Government Purchases
An Act to Amend The Intestate Succession Act, 1928
An Act to Amend The Public Inquiries Act
An Act to Amend The Public Service Vehicles Act
An Act Respecting Charges on Grain Delivered to Elevators
An Act to Amend and Consolidate The Dental Association Act
An Act Respecting the Sale by Public Auction of Goods and Chattels and to Provide for the Licensing of Auctioneers
An Act to Amend The Garagemen's Lien Act
An Act Providing for the Acknowledgment of Certain Guarantees
An Act to Amend The Children of Unmarried Parents Act
An Act to Amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to Amend The Limitation of Actions Act, 1935
An Act to Amend The Co-operative Marketing Associations Act
An Act to Amend The Co-operative Marketing Associations Guarantee Act
An Act Providing for the Fixing of Prices of Petroleum Products
An Act to Provide for the Regulation of Pipe Lines for Petroleum and Petroleum Products
An Act to Amend The Hotelkeepers Act, 1937
An Act to Amend An Act to Incorporate The Eastern Irrigation District
An Act to Amend The Debt Adjustment Act, 1937
9/21/2024 9:17 AM

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