View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 9, Session 1 (1941)
Legislature 9, Session 1 (1941)
An Act to amend Chapter 57 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1918, and amendments thereto, being an Act to incorporate the Calgary and Southwestern Railway Company
An Act to amend the Act constituting The Drumheller City Charter
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to amend The Alberta Wheat Pool Act, 1929
An Act to amend the Acts constituting The Edmonton Charter
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1938
An Act to amend and consolidate The Registered Nurses Act
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first Day of March, 1940, the Thirty-first Day of March, 1941, and the Thirty-first Day of March, 1942
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to amend The Alberta Evidence Act
An Act to amend The District Courts Act
An Act to amend The Social Services Tax Act
An Act to amend The Local Tax Arrears Consolidation Act, 1935
An Act to amend The Local Authorities Borrowings Guarantee Act, 1937
An Act to amend The Lloydminster Municipal Amalgamation Act, 1930
An Act to amend The Threshers' Lien Act, 1934
An Act respecting Tax Exemptions for Additional Grain Storage Facilities
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend The Pharmaceutical Association Act
An Act to amend The Government of Alberta Insurance Act
An Act to amend The Religious Societies' Lands Act
An Act to amend The Factories Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Architects Act, 1938
An Act to amend The Unearned Increment Tax Act
An Act to amend The Cemetery Act
An Act to amend and consolidate The Electrical Protection Act
An Act to amend The Agricultural Relief Advances Act, 1938
An Act to amend The Alberta Municipal Assessment Commission Act
An Act to amend and consolidate The Game Act, 1932
An Act to amend The Estates of the Mentally Incompetent Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Government Purchasing Agency Act
An Act to amend The Noxious Weeds Act, 1932
An Act to amend The Agricultural Pests Act
An Act to amend The Tuberculosis Act
An Act to amend The Maintenance Order Act
An Act to amend The Vital Statistics Act
An Act to Ratify a Certain Order in Council Dealing with Liens and Charges Against Crops
An Act to amend The Railways Assessment Act
An Act Respecting the Regulations of Geophysical Operations and Geological Explorations
An Act to amend The Domestic Animals (Unorganized Territory) Act
An Act to amend The Department of Lands and Mines Act
An Act to amend The Special Areas Act, 1939
An Act to amend The Provincial Lands Act, 1939
An Act respecting the Unit Operation of Mineral Resources
An Act to amend The Change of Name Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act, 1926
An Act to Amend and Consolidate The Fuel Oil Tax Act, 1936
An Act to amend and consolidate the Trade Schools Regulation Act
An Act to amend The Hours of Work Act
An Act to amend The Societies Act, 1924
An Act to amend The Co-operative Associations Act, 1937
An Act to amend The Hospitals Act, 1938
An Act to amend The Summary Convictions Act
An Act to amend The Drainage Districts Act
An Act to amend The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act
An Act to Amend The Corporations Temporary Additional Taxation Act, 1932
An Act for the Further Continuation in Force of The Banking Corporations Temporary Additional Taxation Act, 1938
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act, 1929
An Act respecting Superannuation and Retiring Allowances for Employees of The Alberta Liquor Control Board
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Resources Conservation Act
An Act to amend The Official Guardian Act
An Act to amend The Succession Duty Act, 1934
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to amend The Companies Act, 1929
An Act to amend The Boilers Act, 1929
An Act to amend The Teaching Profession Act, 1935
An Act to amend The Teachers' Retirement Fund Act
An Act Respecting the Priorities of Liens on Crops
An Act to amend The School Attendance Act
An Act for the Continuation of The Unemployment Relief Act, 1933
An Act to amend The Domestic Relations Act, 1927
An Act to Amend and Consolidate an Act Exempting Certain Property from Seizure and Sale Under Execution
An Act to Provide for the Suspension of Certain Proceedings Calling into Question the Validity of The Debt Adjustment Act
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act to provide for the Orderly Payment of Mortgages and Agreements for the Sale of Land
An Act to amend The Debt Adjustment Act, 1937
An Act respecting the Suspension of Proceedings in Respect of Certain Kinds of Debts
An Act to amend The Limitation of Actions Act
An Act Respecting Harvesting Liens
An Act to amend The Soldiers' Relief Act, 1940
An Act to amend The Public Service Vehicles Act
An Act respecting Welding
An Act to amend The Assessment Act
An Act to amend The Improvement Districts Act, 1927
An Act to amend The Tax Recovery Act, 1938
An Act to Validate and Ratify a Certain Agreement Between the Lloydminster Municipal Hospital Board and the Lloydminster and District Hospital Board
An Act respecting the Grading and Sale of Vegetables Within the Province of Alberta
An Act to amend The Metis Population Betterment Act, 1940
An Act to amend The School Act, 1931
An Act Respecting the Licensing of Amusements, Places of Amusement, Film Exchanges and Moving Picture Operators, the Imposition of an Amusements Tax, and the Censorship of Films
An Act respecting the Expropriation of Lands and Other Property
An Act to Provide for Liens in Favour of Hospitals upon Damages Recovered in Actions for Personal Injuries
An Act to Amend The Venereal Diseases' Prevention Act
An Act to Amend The Securities Act
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Town and Village Act
An Act to amend The Commissioners for Oaths Act
An Act to amend The Building Associations Act
An Act to amend The Income Tax Act
An Act to amend The Water Resources Act
An Act to amend The School Assessment Act, 1931
An Act to amend The Tax and Rate Collection Act
An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Brand Act
An Act to amend The Stock Inspection Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Feeder Associations Guarantee Act, 1937
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Act, 1923
An Act to amend The New West I.D. Colonization Act
An Act to amend The Lethbridge Northern Colonization Act
An Act for the Temporary Imposition of a Certain Type of Corporation Tax
An Act to Authorize the Granting of Franchises for Providing Public Services in Petroleum and Natural Gas Areas
An Act to Provide for the Assessment and Taxation of Minerals
An Act respecting the Colonization of the United Irrigation District
An Act to Amend and Consolidate The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act
An Act to Ratify Certain Agreements between the Government of the Dominion of Canada and the Government of the Province of Alberta
An Act Respecting Agreements for Sale of Mechanized Road Building Equipment
An Act to amend The Alberta Marketing Act
An Act to Amend and Consolidate an Act for the Prevention of Prairie and Forest Fires
An Act Respecting Measures to be Taken for the Disposition of a Crop in an Emergency
An Act to amend The Public Highways Act, 1929
An Act to amend The Public Works Department Act
An Act to amend The Crown Cultivation Leases Act
An Act to amend The Trustee Act
An Act to amend The Legal Proceedings Suspension Act, 1941
7/26/2024 8:24 PM

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