View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 5, Session 5 (1925)
Legislature 5, Session 5 (1925)
An Act to amend Chapter 57 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1918, as amended by Chapter 71 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1921, and further amended by Chapter 61 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1923, being an Act to incorporate The Calgary and Southwestern Railway Company
An Act respecting The Alberta Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventists
An Act to amend The Acts and Ordinances relating to the City of Red Deer
An Act to amend The Medicine Hat Charter
An Act to amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to Incorporate the Congregation of The Most Holy Redeemer
An Act to validate and confirm a certain Agreement entered into among the Canadian Northern Railway Company, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company and the City of Edmonton, and to validate and confirm certain By-laws of the City of Edmonton
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to amend Chapter 68 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1923, being An Act to empower the Canadian-American Collieries, Limited, to Construct and Operate a Colliery Railway
An Act to amend the Acts constituting The Edmonton Charter and to validate certain Local Improvement and other By-laws of the City of Edmonton
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting Policies of Fire Insurance
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting the Liability of the Parties in an Action for Damages for Negligence where both Parties are in Fault
An Act to amend The Produce Merchants Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Stock Inspection Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Mental Defectives Act
An Act to amend The Chiropractic Act
An Act respecting the Preservation of Public Documents
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act
An Act respecting the Sale of Coal
An Act to amend The Mines Act
An Act to amend the Government Liquor Control Act of Alberta
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to amend The Jury Act
An Act respecting the Limitation of Actions
An Act to facilitate the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments and Awards
An Act to amend The Medical Profession Act
An Act to amend The Venereal Diseases' Prevention Act
An Act to provide a Minimum Wage for Women
An Act to amend The Alberta Election Act
An Act to Ratify the Lloydminster Public School Scheme
An Act to amend The University Act
An Act respecting The Alberta and Great Waterways Railway Company
An Act respecting Lacombe and North Western Railway
An Act to Provide for the Care of the Indigent Sick Non-taxpayers of the Province
An Act respecting Municipal Districts
An Act relating to Domestic Relations
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act
An Act to amend The Hospitals Act
An Act to amend The Vital Statistics Act
An Act to amend The Factories Act
An Act to amend The Agricultural Societies Act
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act to amend The Provincial Relief Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Amusements Tax Act
An Act respecting the Solemnization of Marriage
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Act, 1923
An Act to amend The Legal Profession Act
An Act to amend The Noxious Weeds Act
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act (Accident Fund)
An Act Respecting Liens of Mechanics, Wage-earners, and Others
An Act to Validate certain Assessments made by the Hail Insurance Board of Alberta
An Act Establishing Community Property as between Husband and Wife
An Act respecting Private Hospitals
An Act to amend The Drainage Districts Act, 1921
An Act to amend the Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend The Prairie Fires Act
An Act to amend The Mental Diseases Act
An Act respecting the Colonization of the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District
An Act to amend The School Act
An Act to amend The Dairymen's Act
An Act to amend The Educational Tax Act
An Act respecting the granting of Fixed Assessments of Improvements to New Industries by Municipal Corporations
An Act to amend The Fire Department's Hours of Labor Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Co-operative Credit Act
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years ending respectively the Thirty-first day of December, 1924, and the Thirty-first day of December, 1925, and from the First day of January, 1926, up to the date of the final passage of the Estimates for the Fiscal Year ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1926
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to amend The Municipal Ordinance, being Chapter 70 of the Consolidated Ordinances of the North-West Territories, 1898
An Act respecting the Welfare of Children
An Act to amend The Lunatics' Estates Act
An Act to amend The Bills of Sale Act
An Act to confirm Certain Securities taken by the Director of The Debt Adjustment Act
An Act to amend The Bee Diseases Act, 1924
An Act to Provide Aid to certain Drainage Districts
An Act to amend The Sale of Shares Act
An Act to amend The Tax Recovery Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Alberta Co-operative Wheat Producers, Limited, Act
An Act to Impose a Tax upon Minerals
An Act to amend The School Assessment Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Hail Insurance Act
An Act to amend The Conditional Sales Act
An Act to amend The Crop Payments Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act relating to the Construction of Pipe Lines
An Act to amend The Water, Gas, Electric and Telephone Companies Act
An Act to amend The Agricultural Department Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Election Act (No.2)
9/20/2024 7:18 AM

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