View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 14, Session 5 (1963)
Legislature 14, Session 5 (1963)
An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate Calgary Stock Exchange
An Act to amend The Alberta Wheat Pool Act, 1929
An Act to Incorporate the Stettler Light Horse Association
An Act to amend The William Roper Hull Home Act
An Act respecting The Canadian Society of Radiological Technicians (Alberta Division)
An Act to amend Le College St. Jean d'Edmonton Act
An Act to Incorporate tThe Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement of Alberta
An Act to Incorporate St. John's Institute
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands which are the Property of The Apostolic Trustees of the Friars Minor or Franciscans of Western Canada, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Lands Belonging to Berean Bible College from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Incorporate Trans-Canada Savings and Trust Corporation
An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the property of The Edmonton Society for Christian Education, Edmonton, Alberta, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land which is the Property of the Society for Christian Education in Southern Alberta, Lethbridge, Alberta, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to Incorporate Alberta Central Credit Union Limited
An Act to Provide for the Exemption of Certain Land Which is The Property of the Lutheran Welfare Society in Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, from Assessment and Taxation
An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Calgary Hebrew School
An Act for Granting to Her Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years Ending Respectively the Thirty-first Day of March, 1962, the Thirty-first Day of March, 1963, and the Thirty-first Day of March, 1964
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Conservation Act
An Act to amend The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act
An Act to amend The Constitutional Questions Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Income Tax Act
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Board Act
An Act to amend The Municipalities Assessment and Equalization Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Branches Act
An Act to amend The Chiropractic Act
An Act to amend The Cancer Treatment and Prevention Act
An Act to amend The Cemeteries Act
An Act to amend The Game Act
An Act to Incorporate the Psychiatric Nurses Association of Alberta
An Act to amend The Treatment Services Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Racing Commission Act
An Act respecting Radiological Technicians
An Act to amend The Municipal and Provincial Properties Valuation Act
An Act to amend The Public Junior Colleges Act
An Act to amend The Electric Power and Pipe Line Assessment Act
An Act to amend The District Courts Act
An Act to amend The Small Debts Act
An Act to amend The Frozen Food Locker Act
An Act to amend The Improvement Districts Stray Animals Act
An Act to amend The Trade Schools Regulation Act
An Act to amend The Public Lands Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Government Purchasing Agency Act
An Act to amend The University of Alberta Hospital Act
An Act respecting the Operation of Welfare Homes
An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Associated Hospitals of Alberta
An Act to amend The Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation Act
An Act to amend The Fuel Oil Licensing Act
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act
An Act to amend The County Act
An Act to amend The Assessment Act, 1960
An Act to amend The Queen's Printer Act
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Summary Convictions Act
An Act to amend The Mechanics Lien Act, 1960
An Act to amend Certain Statutes
An Act relating to the Planning and Regulation of the Use and Development of Land
An Act to amend The Seizures Act
An Act to amend The Mines and Minerals Act, 1962
An Act to amend The Health Unit Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Vehicles Act
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act
An Act to amend The City Act
An Act to amend The Town and Village Act
An Act to amend The Fuel Oil Tax Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act
An Act to Enable the Granting of Greater Independence to Certain School Districts
An Act respecting Landlords and Tenants
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to amend The Gas Resources Preservation Act, 1956
An Act to amend The School Buildings Act
An Act to amend The Child Welfare Act
An Act to amend The School Act
An Act to amend The Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnity Act
An Act to amend The Public Welfare Act
An Act to amend The Teaching Profession Act
An Act to amend The Police Act
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act to amend The Judicature Act
An Act to amend The Coroners Act
An Act to amend The Co-operative Associations Act
An Act to amend The Public Highways Act
An Act to Establish the Northern Alberta Development Council
An Act to Provide a Means of Assisting Farmers to Purchase and Acquire Economic Farm Units
An Act respecting the Maintenance and Reclamation of, and the Recovery of Rental for, the Surface of Land Used in Connection with Mines, Quarries, Oil and Gas Operations and Pipe Lines
An Act to amend The Local Authorities Pension Act
An Act to amend The Investment Contracts Act
An Act to amend The Credit and Loan Agreements Act
An Act to amend The Public Service Pension Act
An Act to amend The Right of Entry Arbitration Act
An Act to amend The Libraries Act
10/22/2024 1:11 AM

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