View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 5, Session 1 (1922)
Legislature 5, Session 1 (1922)
An Act to Incorporate The New Elm Bruder Gemeinde
An Act to incorporate The Old Elm Bruder Gemeinde
An Act to incorporate The Rockfort Hutterische Bruder Gemeinde
An Act to incorporate The Milford Hutterische Bruder Gemeinde
An Act to authorise Richard Vandersluys to Practise Denistry
An Act to amend the Ordinances incorporating The Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Church in Canada
An Act to amend the Acts constituting The Edmonton Charter, and to validate a By-law of the City of Edmonton adjusting the Special Assessments respecting the Wadhurst Park Sewer
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances Constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to Provide for a System of Highways in the Province
An Act to Provide for a Minimum Wage for Women
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting Warehousemen's Liens
An Act to make Uniform the Law respecting the Sale of Goods in Bulk
An Act respecting Fraudulent or Preferential Transfers
An Act to establish a Bureau of Labour
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act (No. 1)
An Act to Assist the United Irrigation District
An Act to amend The Drainage Districts Act, 1921
An Act to amend The Irrigation Districts Act, 1920
An Act to Provide for the Extermination of Agricultural Pests
An Act to Provide for the Inspection of Stock
An Act to Assist the South Macleod Irrigation District
An Act for the Licensing and Regulation of Produce Merchants
An Act to amend The Domestic Animals Acts
An Act to amend The Brand Act
An Act to amend The Noxious Weeds Act
An Act to amend The Agricultural Societies Ordinance
An Act to amend The Game Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act, 1919 (No. 1)
An Act to Provide for the Adjustment of Inequalities in Assessments
An Act to amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to amend The Legal Professions Act
An Act to amend The Reclamation Act
An Act to amend The Water Users' Districts Act, 1920
An Act to Provide for the Temporary Partial Suspension of The Tax Recovery Act
An Act to amend The Private Ditches Act
An Act to amend The Venereal Disease Prevention Act
An Act to amend The Provincial Loans Act
An Act to Provide for the Consolidation and Revision of the Public Statutes of the Province
An Act respecting Advances for the Purchase of Seed Grain and the Securities for the Repayment thereof
An Act respecting Advances for the Purchase of Feed and for Assistance to Farmers, and the Securities for Repayment Thereof
An Act to amend The Mines Act
An Act to amend The Wild Lands Tax Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Districts Seed Grain Act
An Act to amend The Municipal District Relief Act
An Act to amend The Women's Institute Act
An Act to amend The Dairymen's Act
An Act to amend The Prairie Fires Ordinance
An Act to amend The Bills of Sale Ordinance
An Act to amend The Alberta Co-operative Credit Act
An Act to Provide for the Recovery of Taxes
An Act to Validate the Assessments for the Year 1921 in Certain Municipalities
An Act to amend The School Ordinance
An Act to amend The Municipal Affairs Department Act
An Act to amend The Municipal District Act (No.2)
An Act to amend The Improvement Districts Act
An Act to amend The Town Act
An Act to amend The Village Act
An Act to amend The Sales of Public Lands Act
An Act to amend The Educational Tax Act
An Act to amend An Act respecting The Public Service
An Act to amend The Interpretation Act
An Act to amend The Motor Vehicle Act
An Act to amend The Judicature Act
An Act respecting Superannuation and Retiring Allowances for Civil Servants
An Act to amend The School Grants Act
An Act for the Regulation of the Export of Liquor and for the Taxation of Exporters of Liquor
An Act to License, Regulate, and Control Restaurants and Other Places where Refreshments are Sold
An Act to amend The School Ordinances Act
An Act to amend The Liquor Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act (No. 2)
An Act to amend The Hospitals Ordinance
An Act to amend The Amusements Tax Act
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain sums of Money for the Public Service of the Fiscal Years ending respectively the Thirty-first day of December, 1921, and the Thirty-first day of December, 1922, and from the First day of January, 1923, up to the date of final passage of the Estimates for the Fiscal year ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1923
An Act for Raisning Money on the Credit of the General Revenue of Alberta
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to amend The Succession Duties Act
An Act respecting Tax Sales of City Property
An Act respecting the Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway, 1922
An Act to provide for an Extension to the Central Canada Railway, 1922
An Act respecting Lacombe and North Western Railway
An Act respecting the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway, 1922
An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act
An Act to amend The Mine Owners Tax Act
An Act to amend The Public Health Act
An Act respecting the Rights and Property of Married Women
An Act to provide for the Relief of Owners of Lands Sold at Tax Sales
An Act to amend The Statutue Law
An Act to amend The Municipal Hail Insurance Act
An Act to amend The Irrigation District Act, 1920, Amendment Act, 1922
An Act to amend The Medical Profession Act
An Act for the Relief of the Southern Part of Alberta
An Act to authorize Certain Expenditures by Trustees of Sylvan Lake School District No. 2595
An Act respecting Hospital Facilities in Connection with the University of Alberta
An Act to Provide for the Imposition of a Tax upon Gasoline
An Act respecting Agreements for Payment to Vendors, Lessors, and Others by Shares of Crops
An Act to amend The Official Guardian Act
An Act to Ratify an Agreement between the Government of the Dominion of Canada and the Government of the Province of Alberta, relating to the Distribution of Relief
9/11/2024 8:22 PM

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